

jrI9eykYNDiPFJfqZb32RJOUeK3tXchpEpUlxv9L7c0ePDb3JQdm475ahd6Sy1iDSoKq6Eat5pLW95j6HIexNGuXqsKEJpaLK3Vs0S0fjMou6hki8rvwXGalmERkvjaUKN0dXHxVbYHLmWhHvOMLDjG6DGn4jeQkOV-ik2sARfDkLeVucE6jmeZkC34foQq8uK52YAAJOjfOpyR4gB7nbG7zGkY9dWtStep 1: Like our page at www.facebook.com/adventurestudenttravel

Step 2: Subscribe to our updates and tell your friends, family and school to like our page and watch for your photo and/or video submission(s)!


Step 3: Take photos and footage with Miles!


Step 4: E-mail photos to us at [email protected] 


Step 5: Once your photos are approved, they will be uploaded to our Facebook page for you to tag your friends and enter the competition! Make sure that you have the permission of everyone in the photo before you submit it!

The deadline for this competition is June 26th, 2015. The prize categories are divided as follows:

$50 to the individual(s) submitting the BEST VIDEO with Miles
$50 to the individual(s) submitting the BEST SELFIE with Miles
$50 to the individual(s) submitting the BEST PHOTO-BOMB with Miles
PIZZA PARTY for the group members submitting the BEST GROUP PHOTO with Miles

Finally: GET EVERYONE INVOLVED! The submitted photos and videos with the most likes, tags, comments and shares by June 26th, 2015 determine the winners per category! We will even tack on additional points for originality and for
featuring attractions, restaurants and monuments! Winners of each
category will be automatically submitted into the final round of the
competition where one lucky winner will receive $250!