Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat

Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat

The Baylor Bears really take their school spirit to the next level with the inclusion of the Bill and Eva Williams Bear Habitat on campus, this 'Bear Pit' revealed in 2005 during homecoming.

The Bear Pit is considered to be the 'most visited place on campus', this Class C Zoo maintained by the US Dept of Agriculture, students within several different departments on campus, and professional trainers. There is absolutely no question about the care for these bears, they are certainly spoiled and happy!

The two bears you will see are named Joy and Lady, both North American Black Bears. There is a walkway around their enclosure to watch them swim, eat, or play, as well as a private cave, cooled to their liking.

Some people have a tough time finding the pit, so just look for 5th Street and the Daniel Esplanade and it will be in the middle!