Freedom Crossing Monument
Many students across the nation have delighted in the assignment of reading Margaret Clark’s popular and historically famous book, Freedom Crossing, and will delight even further in the opportunity to visit the actual spot evident in the epic novel. Freedom Crossing is the iconic historic site in Lewiston, New York, that holds the final stop in the famed Underground Railroad, the secret path leading thousands of slaves to their freedom in the 1800s. The entire route runs from the southern United States to Canada, the final and most epic stop being here, with the boat ride across the Niagara River into Canada, releasing the struggling souls into freedom.
The historic citizens of Lewiston were adamantly anti-slavery, so many volunteered to help smuggle thousands of slaves across the river during their lifetimes. The city had a code of silence, in which they almost never spoke to outsiders or visitors about their abolitionist activity, or about slavery in general. As in the book, you can see the site of Tryon's Folly (though the home itself is private), the famed 7-cellar home that had a multi-leveled basement, perfect for smuggling. This 1830s home was owned by Amos Tyron and located along the Lower River Road, on which a bronze monument was made in honor of the epic history and novel, Freedom Crossing. Grab your camera and enjoy a great photo opportunity by the beautiful sculpture, a scene of a boat escape with helpful onlookers by the river.