Jane Addams Hull-House
Jane Addams Hull-House is a highly integral architectural and social establishment in Chicago, a Near West Side gem that sits at the University of Illinois. Open 10-4, this mansion turned museum allows your group to explore the ‘dynamic memorial to a social reformer’, the entire establishment dedicated to Jane Addams Hull (the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize) and Ellen Starr, her friend and colleague.
The Hull House opened in 1889 for recently arrived European immigrants, one of the first to do such a thing at the beginning of the settlement house movement. Sometimes more commonly referred to as JAHHM, this home museum will show you exactly how Jane Addams and her colleagues helped change the lives of immigrants and of public policy in general through several different historical exhibits and artifacts. The original house is preserved and developed well here, the interpretation and continuation of this historic settlement, research, education, and social engagement a perfect learning opportunity for your group.
Group tours are welcome, though the museum is closed on Mondays and Saturdays, so plan accordingly.