Jennie Wade House

Jennie Wade House Credit Destination Gettysburg

Jennie Wade House Credit Destination Gettysburg

Jennie Wade House

Welcome to the Jennie Wade House, the historic home dedicated to the Gettysburg civilian casualty Jennie Wade, the only civilian killed here during the 3-day battle.

Inside this shrine to Jennie Wade, you will find several different artifacts and learning opportunities, the house authentically furnished cellar to attic. The home serves as a sort of shrine to Jennie, who was just 20 years old at the time of the battle.

During your visit, you will see guides in period attire who will fill you in on the history of the home, the daily tours that last about 30 minutes. Hear all about domestic wartime life in 1863, as well as about the house and the battle in general. See authentic artifacts such as the very artillery shell that fatally wounded Jennie while she was kneading the dough, as well as the floorboard with blood still stained on it.

Before you go, head to the Jennie Wade Gift Shop to pick up a souvenir and help 'keep her memory alive'.