Liliuokalani Park and Gardens
On the island of Hawaii near Hilo is the 30-acre park and gardens of Liliuokalani. Much of the land on which the park sits was once owned by Hawaii's last reigning monarch, Queen Liliuokalani. The park was built and dedicated in 1917, fashioned after an authentic Japanese style garden as a tribute to the island's first Japanese immigrants who worked the sugarcane fields.
The Liliuokalani Park and Gardens is said to be the largest authentic Japanese garden outside Japan. The park is open daily and admission is free for those wishing a relaxing and scenic retreat into the realm of Japan. Travel through the lovely and peaceful trails, over traditional Japanese bridges, through torii, and over fish ponds filled with brilliantly colored koi. Explore the pagodas, gardens, and teahouse on the grounds or relax with a picnic under bonsai trees.
The park is also connected by footbridge to the small island of Moku'ola, or Coconut Island, which was once the site of an ancient temple of healing. There are ruins and landmarks on the small island as well as gorgeous views of the ocean and the city of Hilo.