Located in beautiful, historic St. Augustine, Florida, Memorial Presbyterian Church was built, donated, and dedicated in 1890 to the daughter of Henry Morrison Flagler, Jenny Louise Benedict, who died from complications during childbirth. Not only is this a memorial church, it is also a historic church. Memorial Presbyterian Church represents Florida’s first Presbyterian congregation, established in 1824. Whether you are a member of the Christian Protestant faith or you appreciate the sacredness of the church, a visit to Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine is never unwelcome and is sure to be a beautiful experience.
Walk in through the extravagant gold archways, under the white stone facade, and through the grand doors into the sanctuary space where the faithful bring their minds and hearts to God. Memorial Presbyterian Church has been named by CNN as one of the eight religious wonders of the United States for its magnificent structure, luxurious attention to detail, and unique appearance. The stained glass windows depict apostles, biblical scenes, and religious icons as the painted turquoise dome elevates the sanctuary to new levels of aesthetic praise. If art is made in connection with God’s creative glory, then Memorial Presbyterian Church is certainly a holy place.
The church is open for visitors Monday through Saturday from 9 am-4 pm and weekly religious services are held on Sundays at 10 am. Trained docents lead tours of the church speaking on topics including the history of the church, the architecture, practices of the Presbyterian church, and more.