Mt. Rushmore

Mt. Rushmore

Black Hills and Badlands Tourism Association Mt. Rushmore

Black Hills and Badlands Tourism Association Mt. Rushmore

 Mt. Rushmore is a true American classic site to see, a National Monument featuring a massive sculpture within the Black Hills region. The granite faces of some of our most recognizable and respected presidents will be an awe-inspiring and unforgettable experience, the sheer height of each face quite frankly astounding. Construction on the 60-foot high masterpiece was first started in 1927 by Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln, finally completed in 1941. Talk about serious dedication to art, architecture, and American history!

The famous presidents depicted high above ground level are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, the faces of these legends alone an excellent learning opportunity for your student group. There is an onsite museum with interactive exhibits to explain the ‘birth, growth, duty, and presentation of the president’s of the country’, the rich heritage here attracting over 3 million guests annually.

If you have extra time here, or would like to make extra time, plan to visit the Lincoln B Visitor Center, Presidential Trail (0.6 miles), the Sculptor Studio, or even any of the many educational ranger-led programs.