Smithsonian George Gustav Heye Center NYC
The museum works to support the continuance of culture, traditional values, and transitions in contemporary Native life.
There are technically 3 different locations of the National American Indian Museum, one in DC, one in New York, and one in Maryland. The George Gustav Heye Center is the center located in New York.
Located in lower Manhattan, within Bowling Green, the GGHC sits within the historic Alexander Hamilton U.S Customs House, sharing DC’s ‘collection and commitment to celebrating the diverse history and contemporary voices of Native peoples throughout the Western Hemisphere.’ This location holds exhibitions, research facility, a performing arts program on-site, and various educational activities that further the message started at the DC Smithsonian location.
Inside the George Gustav Heye Center you will see various rotating exhibits, as well as the permanent exhibit Infinity of Nations, which holds art from North, Central, and South America, totaling 700 works overall. One example you will see inside is the Apsaalooke (Crow) Warrier’s Robe, and other things of that sort. During a daily public tour, you will also see the Diker Pavilion for Native Arts and Cultures and have the chance to take part in any gallery programs or daily film screenings. If you want to get more specific with your tour, choose from the Building Tour, Exhibit Tour, or Insider Tour, each lasting about 45-60 minutes.
Check out the imagiNATIONS Activity Center before leaving, a spot for 4th-12th graders to learn more in-depth information through puzzles, experiments, and computer simulations.