This world is full of surprises and interesting facts, travel included. Around the world and through various industries, travel and tourism can change your life, open your eyes, or just be plain interesting to learn about. Read on and discover some cool new factoids that you can take to your friends - and maybe start planning that group vacation!
- 1/8 U.S. jobs depends on travel and tourism.
- The benefits of travel are almost immediate, showing differences in behavior and attitude in only a day or two.
- Vacations can lower your risk for heart disease.
- Studies show that travel can help aid those with depression.
- Travel promotes brain health, increases energy and reduces stress.
- Traveling with people you care about (i.e. friends and family) strengthens bonds.
- Travel can make you smarter, more creative, and more compassionate through new experiences in unfamiliar places and meeting new people.
"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls." – Anais Nin
- It's impossible to open an airplane door in mid-flight.
- Your senses change on a plane because of pressure changes, making food and drink taste different.
- The odds of a plane crashing in the U.S. are 1 in 11 million on average.
- The worldwide airline industry makes $640 billion annually.
- The longest flight in the world runs from Sydney, Australia, to Dallas, Texas, and takes 16 hours and flies over 8,500 miles.
- One third of all the airports in the world are located in the United States.
- The busiest airport in the world is in Atlanta, with 95.5 million passengers every year. The new Dubai World Central airport is tracking to overtake Atlanta with an estimated 160 million passengers.
"He who does not travel does not know the value of men." – Moorish proverb
- France is the most visited country in the world.
- The most visited city in the world (as of 2013 travel data) is Bangkok, Thailand.
- Walt Disney World in Florida is the single most visited theme park in the world; Disneyland in California is the second.
- Libya is 99% desert.
- Saudi Arabia doesn't have a single river.
- Canada has the most lakes of any country on earth, 3 million of them.
- The country of Monaco is smaller than Central Park in New York City.
- India is the most diverse country in the world.
- Las Vegas has the most hotel rooms of any city.
- In Switzerland, using salt and pepper on your meal is considered an insult to the chef.
- Less than one percent of people have been to Antarctica.
"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move." – Robert Louis Stevenson
- Even vacation planning can boost happiness!
There's no limit to what you can do and where you can go in this beautiful, wide world. Dream, plan, and go on a vacation of your dreams and be a better person for it in the end. Let us help you on your way and call us today!