As your big school trip draws near, there is one question that will be asked many times, and undoubtedly probably already has... “Have you started packing yet?”
For some, this question brings nothing but discomfort, because you haven’t started yet and you know that you will throw some items in a bag and head out the morning of your trip. I mean, there's no minute like the last minute, right?
Others are the, “of course I'm ready, I have four lists and won’t forget anything”.
No matter where you fall on this packing-frenzied scale, AST has a handy guide to help you pack for your trip! Grab those bags folks!

Packing Tips for Student Trips Adventure Student Travel
Packing 101
1. Choose the appropriate size of the luggage.
- This is a very important aspect of preparing to pack, especially if you are flying or taking a motorcoach with limited storage underneath. Be sure to check the requirements of luggage sizes.
Check out this official TSA luggage size chart if you are flying.
2. Make a Packing List
- Make a packing list so that you don’t forget any essentials that you will need while traveling. The list should have categories like; clothing, accessories, shoes, toiletries, medication, and electronics. (Do not forget your chargers and your meds, most importantly!!)
3. Be mindful of what you pack.

Packing Tips for Student Trips AST Stockfresh
- Pack for the location that you are traveling to and not for the location that you are traveling from. Also, pack items that can be used for dual purposes!
4. How to Pack!
- Anytime you are packing you want you to want to save space. The most space consuming thing that you will pack is clothing. The best way to pack this is to ROLL your clothes instead of folding. Packing cubes, minimalization, and the 'Tetris' method are all great alternatives as well!
5. When to pack?
- You don’t want to start packing too early, but you also don’t want to pack the morning you leave! If you pack too early you will find yourself unpacking multiple times. If you pack the morning of you will find you are missing things after you have left. What is most recommended to start packing none essential items that you will not need 3 days before your trip? Then the day before packing the items that are left, which should mostly be toiletries and meds. Remember to refer back to your packing list to make sure you have everything!
We hope these tips help! And remember don’t stress if you forgot something. You probably didn’t need it anyway, and if you did you can most likely buy it at your destination. Have a great trip!
Check out our other great packing tip blogs!