Tag Archives: budget

Affordable Class Trips in the Midwest

The states of middle America aren't fly-over states when you really stop to look at what they have to offer. Incredible natural beauty, expansive and important American history, stunning museums and cultural attractions...the list goes on. If you want an affordable vacation with friends, family, or an educational trip for your students, consider a trip…
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Free Travel Apps Worth Using

You already have the smart phone so why not put it to good use? There's no reason to rely solely on paperback guidebooks in this day in age when you can find all the information you seek in one convenient place. These free apps, both brand new and tried-and-true, have made the list for their fantastic…
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Budget Travel Tips

No matter your travel budget, no one likes spending more than they have to. Whether you're part of a student group or looking to take your kids for an educational trip, here are some tips on how you can save money and have a great time. Take more people and split costs: It may seem simple…
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Funding Student Travel

Travel can be very expensive - this we know. Frankly put, you can't travel if the funds aren't there, so what are you to do? Whether you're in a large student group  or you have just graduated high school or college and desire a fun, exciting celebration trip, there are ways to raise money. There are…
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City Tourism Cards: Are They Worth It?

For most people, vacation is all about the attractions. The more, the merrier. But when you're in huge cities like New York and Los Angeles where a single museum ticket can cost you $20, you often have to make sacrifices and see fewer attractions. That's where city tourism cards come in. If you aren't familiar…
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Literary Adventures

The U.S. boasts some of the finest writers who have ever lived, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway to name a few. Even if other famous authors didn't live here, chances are they visited and left their mark in bookstores, hotels, and unique sites. Dotted across this beautiful country is the legacy of inspiration, creativity, ingenuity,…
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Disney on a Budget: Get the Most from Your Trip

Whether you're on a student class day trip or you're celebrating a graduation, Disney is a sensational destination filled with magic and excitement. As everyone's favorite theme park, it is certainly pricey. We understand that it can get quite expensive and while some things about Disney are non-negotiable, there are ways to save money to…
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Stylish & Affordable Student Trip Ideas

This great country is full of stylish destinations but they aren't all as expensive as New York or Los Angeles. All it takes is a little creativity, a little research, and some finesse to make your dream vacation a reality. Whether you're in high school or college and looking for a graduation trip destination or…
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Budgeting Boston

Earlier this week I wrote a blog on how to save money in Seattle, one of the most expensive cities for U.S. travel. Relying on the same concept, let's head to the opposite coast to Boston, the birthplace of a nation which just so happens to cost a pretty penny. Here are some tips on…
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Travel on a College Student’s Budget

It's a proven cliche that most college students don't have two pennies to rub together - but that shouldn't stop you from traveling and traveling well. You're young and experiencing the world is a must. Here's how you can save money and still see the sites, relax on the beach, and eat better than that…
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