If you're graduating high school within the next year or so, chances are you're probably looking for a college campus to call your own. Well, you can do all the searching online if you like but the way to really see if you like a school is to do a campus visit in person. Missouri,…
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Kansas City Budget Trip
There are a few cities in the central Midwest region that draw national attention, and one of them is certainly Kansas City. Known for BBQ, football, and the enchanting city design (did you know it's the City of Fountains?), KC has a lot to offer a student group trip, on a graduation celebration or hitting…
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Where to Stay, Play, and Eat in St. Louis
For many, the shining beacon of the Gateway Arch is a symbol of hope, of perseverance and entrepreneurship, and most importantly, of exploration. The West moved through St. Louis and it was here that the melting pot philosophy truly took root and blossomed. Today, St. Louis no longer marks the literal beginning of the frontier…
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