Seawolf Park

Seawolf Park

Seawolf Park USS Stewart WWII Destroyer Escort Credit Galveston Island CVB

Welcome to Galveston's Seawolf Park, a popular public park located on Pelican Island that serves as a memorial to the USS Seawolf, as well as a popular fishing spot.

The USS Seawolf was a US Navy Sargo-Class Submarine that was mistakenly sunk by US Navy forces in 1944 during WWII. Learn all about this ship as well as the USS Cavalla, USS Stewart, and SS Selma with a visit to the Galveston Naval Museum, the education and history center located within the park.

Outside of the Galveston Naval Museum, you will find a lovely city park setting that is popular for fishing, picnicking, and relaxing. There is a children's playground spot for the youngsters, and plenty of picnic spots to enjoy a nice meal with your group.