Visiting college campuses is a summer staple for junior and senior high school students across the nation, each student trying to find the right fit, both academic and location wise.
Before you choose a college to spend the next four years of your academic career, be sure to check out a wide selection of campuses across the U.S. Check to see if the school you’d like to go to offers an Upward Bound (TRIO) program. If eligible, this program allows you to spend the summer on campus, giving you great insight into whether the school is right for you or not.
Once you’ve made a list of campuses you’d like to visit, here are a few tips to make the most of the time you’re there…
- Start planning early: waiting until the last moment will cause unneeded stress and you won’t have all the time you need to make sure it’s a good fit for you.
- Make it a vacation: take this time to see what the area is like. This is where you’ll live for the next four years, so explore.
College Students Stockfresh
Take virtual tours (eCampusTours and YourCampus360): this allows you to explore schools you can’t fit into a mini-vacation and also helps during a visit since you will already have a lay of the land.
- Talk to current students: the tour guide may be paid to shed a positive light on the school so talk with different students in the student union or cafeteria.
- Sit in on a lecture: this will give you an idea of what to expect during classes. Also, try to talk with the professor.
- Ask about safety: if mom or dad doesn’t bring this up first it’s wise to ask about campus safety features in place.
- Check out the college newspaper: this is a great way to see what’s going on around campus and what other students are talking about.
- Journal your thoughts: If you have a few different visits during your trip it’s important to write down your thoughts and questions along the process. This will help in making your final decision.
If you have a group that would like to create a campus tour package, give us a call. We can help with putting together all the details without the stress.
Browse our state-specific examples below!
Florida, Missouri, Colorado, California, Texas, Tennessee, Illinois, California, Massachusetts, New York, Northern California